
Heart and Soul
of Egypt


What we offer

A more than comfortable, planned with immense love to details and smoothly organized journey through the Heart and Soul of Egypt.

We want you to feel, experience and taste the ancient and modern
Egypt on many different levels and on its many different power places.
We want you to feel at home, taken care of and looked after.
Not by chance the Egyptians say

Welcome Home!

Egypt speaks a universal, ancient energetic language.
It speaks in frequencies, vibrations, energy.
It speaks through the rocks, stones, the buildings, temples and people
straight into your true Heart, into the essence of your Soul.

Egypt touches you, moves you, wakes you, opens you up…..
Like Akram says, if you are ready to

Feel Egypt

We want you to have time to feel Egypt, we also want you to have time
to relax, to regenerate and to enjoy. 

We, Maria Cristina and Akram, both sensitive and perceptive,
accompany and support you before, during and after the journey. 

We hold space for you and we travel as one!

Cristina Teot and Akram Farouk

Maria Cristina Teot & Akram Farouk

Who are we?

Cristina Teot in front of Pyramids
Maria Cristina Teot February 2020

Maria Cristina is a Multidimensional Communicator, Psychic and Spiritual Medium and the multidimensional moderator and initiator of this journey. She herself experienced a transformative group trip through the Heart and the Soul of Egypt. Maria Cristina fell in love with ancient and modern Egypt, with its literal multidimensionality, the power and vibrations of the land, the warmth and hospitality of the Egyptians. Within days of returning home, she contacted Akram Farouk and decided to share and offer her unforgettable and transforming travel experiences with others by facilitating these journeys.
Since her first visit to Egypt in October 2018, Maria Cristina visited Egypt in December 2018 for 5 days, in February 2019 for 15 days, in November 2019 for 21 days and lived in Giza from January till March 2020 in nearest proximity of the Pyramids. 

Mr. Akram Farouk
Akram Farouk, Tour Manager

With Akram Farouk, Tour Manager we can be sure that everything will be taken care of. All transport, accommodation, food and water, temple entries and further logistical, organizational matters will be handled. He is warm hearted, very experienced, and professional in guiding spiritual groups through his Egypt. He is a magician in navigating us through the sometime huge temple sites, making sure we are guarded and getting the space we need to feel the energies. His presence, even from a far, always gives reassurance, makes us feel safe.

An Egyptologist, on the other hand, will be guiding us through the history of ancient and modern Egypt with his or her expertise and profound knowledge. Their experience and love in guiding people on spiritual journeys through their homeland, sharing insights is precious and will support us in understanding the many mystical and magical places we will visit

And in the background is the operations team, whom skill-fully and with much love manage operational and administrative matters. 

As participants, we can fully relax and enjoy the extraordinary and life-changing journey.

Akram Farouk and
Maria Cristina Teot

If you’ve read this far and your heart is beating higher, your thoughts are racing with curiosity, then maybe you hear Egypt’s Call!

Maria Cristina, Akram and the Soul of Egypt Travel team

Useful information

Individual time and space to feel and integrate the experiences are planned daily. 
We call it “FeelEgypt Time”, where you allow yourself to integrate and activate the energy through all of your subtle and multidimensional bodies.

Energetically, each site will give you exactly what you need for your soul, your heart, your spiritual and multi-dimensional journey as well as for your projects and endeavors.

As a group, we meet regularly to meditate and to share our experiences. For Cristina the sharing is essential, as it supports the integration and activation. It also reinforces your own awareness and perceptions when listening to someone else’s experience.

As a Multidimensional Communicator and Medium, Maria Cristina will offer individual time to each participant on sensitive, mediumistic and multi-dimensional aspects related to the journey. If desired, sensitivity and perception exercises are given, so you can train and trust your own intuitions and awareness. 

If you want, you can book a private session with her during the trip.

Once you register for this amazing journey, you will receive more in depth information for your preparation. 

Testimonial Multidimensional Journey to Egypt, February 2020

It’s December 2020, a crazy year is behind me. I had wanted to write this report for a long time, but I couldn’t find the appropriate words to do justice to this experience. Today I see that in these 10 days so much happened on so many levels. Seeds were set, information flowed, and impressions planted in my heart forever that an adequate description would probably take years.

On a physical level I stayed at good hotels during my stay, with delicious food and humorous, competent and inspiring company. The team: Cristina, as a connoisseur and appreciative friend of Egypt, Akram, as the organizer who orchestrates smoothly in the background and Egyptologist Abudy, the enthusiastic mediator of the old messages and great monuments. I felt that I was in good hands, had time and space for my own impressions and was always accompanied with care and a lot of humor.

On a spiritual level, I was impressed by the power, the portal locations and the presence of the high vibrating energy. There are places that are clearly perceptible to me as a portal, inviting into frequencies of the star siblings, healing, echoing lightness and joy and have reminded me where we all come from. It was a journey for me, back to my star roots. For me, the conversation with Maria Cristina was always of great value. Her fine perception and her love for spirit opened up a new dimension for me.

Since coming back from this journey, many memories, new insights and remembrances of experiences during this trip have presented themselves. As if I had picked up presents during those 10 days and now, over the course of time, gradually unwrapped them.

Transformation – Yes. Multidimensional – Definitely – it was worth the trip, the time and the money – absolutely and I am deeply grateful for this multi-layered gift that I gave myself with it.
Esther Rudin, 31/12/2020

Get to know the us in these videos.
Find out and feel what the journey will be about.

Bilingual Video – English with German translation

My detailed tale of experiences from my journey
in October 2018

Spiritual Journey through Egypt: A tale of experience