
“Sensitive, psychic and spiritual unfoldment: a lifetime journey full of adventures.”

In the development workshops you will receive theoretical and practical knowledge on mediumship and sensitivity. This means, you will learn about clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience and other forms of mediumship. You will discover your own mediumistic and physic gifts and learn how to deal and handle them and use them in an appropriate manner in service to others. I offer a platform to gather experiences, make exercises and build up trust in your perceptions and the spirit world.
You will learn „sitting in the power“ to strengthen your link with your spirit friends and helpers. This, on one hand, is indeed an enrichment for your life, on the other hand it helps you building up the partner- and friendship between you and the spirit people. It also helps you to develop your psychic and mediumistic potential. We will touch the spirit within and the power of God – however you may perceive it to be – I call it the power of Love and Light.

Workshop subjects are:


Feeling, seeing, reading Aura  | Psychometry  | Colors and their meaning  | Telepathy  | Meditation


Sitting in the Power  | Connection to the Spirit World  | Spirit Helpers and Friends  | Contact with loved once  | Spiritual Healing  | Circle work

Cross-cutting issues

Forms of Mediumship  | Personal responsibility  | Detachment  | Ethic and moral of Mediumship

To attend these workshops you need to be open for new things, be tolerant and have your feet on the ground. The willingness to work on and with yourself, as well as to work with the unseen world is just as important as your earnestness, respect and dedication towards the subject.

Workshop structure 

Sensitive, psychic and spiritual development is an ongoing process. Therefore my offering on development has following structure:

  • 4 two days workshops per year, this can be 4 weekends or 4 x 2 weekdays
  • As the content of the subjects are constructive, the first workshop is mandatory
  • Time-model Day 1 14:00-18:00 h  | Day 2 10:30-16:30 h
  • Location City of Zug or agglomeration, City of Zurich or agglomeration
  • Participants minimum of 4, maximum of 8 persons
  • Contribution CHF 400.- per workshop (2 days) payable cash on site

At present there are no English spoken development workshops nor circles. If you are interested in English spoken sensitive, psychic and spiritual unfoldment, please let me know. Once there are 4 people interested in the workshops I will be more than happy to organise it.

Please contact me by phone 079 506 28 08 or e-mail